
Malaria-endemic countries have experienced a significant decline in malaria burden in recent years, and they are relying on strong health management information systems to provide good-quality data to track progress and measure program achievements. The DHIS 2 software platform has been rolled out in several countries to collect, validate, report, analyze, and present aggregated statistical […]

THE CHALLENGE: Given a scarcity of healthcare facilities, optimize the location of new healthcare facilities in order to provide equitable access to healthcare services for rural and urban populations.  Optimizing hospital locations is a typical optimization problem, albeit a complex one.  Multiple objectives such as maximizing access to hospitals and minimizing construction costs must be […]

THE CHALLENGE: Identify the causes of inefficiency and propose mechanisms to address those inefficiencies in a health system or hospital group. THE METHODOLGY: In order to identify the causes and sources of allocative and technical inefficiency, we are conducting focus group discussions and facilitated sessions with key stakeholders including health facilities’ management, doctors, nurses, patients, […]